Euromed Audiovisual II: Convocatoria de propuestas para 2005.

Código de ayuda:




Plazo de Solicitud:

The deadline for the receipt of preliminary proposals is Friday 24th June 2005 at 16.00 CET.

Finalidad u objetivo de la ayuda:

The main objective of the Euromed Audiovisual II Programme, following the Euromed Audiovisuel I programme (2000-2004), is to contribute to mutual understanding between the peoples of the European Union and the South of the Mediterranean by underlining their common values and the cultural diversity of the Mediterranean region.

In order to concretise the priorities in terms of developing the cultural dialogue through the structuring of the audiovisual professions and in accordance with the conclusions of the Thessalonique Conference (1997), this programme aims particularly at:
- Developing the audiovisual sector in the Southern Mediterranean region through cooperation between public and private operators;
- Promoting transfers of technology and know-how;
- Encouraging co-operation between producers and distributors at the Euro-Mediterranean level;
- Developing the audiovisual heritage of the region;
- Encouraging promotion circulation of films from the EU and the MEDA partners.

The programme has been designed to constitute a process of experiences and know-how, to allow the conservation of audiovisual heritages, to develop a better mutual understanding through a higher diffusion of audiovisual productions between the two shores of the Mediterranean and to support the development of Mediterranean film project.
The final beneficiaries of the programme will be the professionals of the audiovisual sector from the Mediterranean countries and territories (national institutions and organisations as well as private professionals such as distributors, broadcasters, exhibitors, etc.), mainly in the fields of cinema and radio.

The specific objective of the Euromed Audiovisual II regional programme, with a total amount of EUR 15.000.000, is to encourage the implementation of concrete actions with a levering effect on the whole sector, in particular to reinforce transfers of competences between the two shores of the Mediterranean and thus to contribute significantly to mutual understanding and intercultural dialogue.
The general increase of circulation and audience of Mediterranean productions in the MEDA countries and territories and in the European Union constitutes the ultimate objective.

Categorías Subvención

  • Audiovisual, Prensa y Publicaciones
  • Cooperación al Desarrollo e Inmigración / Emigración

Localización del organismo gestor

Unión Europea


Comisión Europea ( Unión Europea)

¿Cuánto dinero puedes obtener con esta ayuda?

Any grant awarded under this programme must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
• minimum amount: EUR 1.000.000
• maximum amount: EUR 1.500.000

A grant may not be for less than 50% of the total eligible costs of the action.
In addition, no grant may exceed 80% of the total eligible costs of the action.

Beneficiarios. ¿Quién puede solicitar esta ayuda?

  • Autónomos
  • Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
  • Cooperativas y Sociedades Laborales no Agrarias
  • Microempresas (menos de 10 empleados)
  • Pymes (menos de 250 empleados)

Detalle beneficiarios:

In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:
• be a legal person specialised in the field of audiovisual;
• have their headquarters in one of the 10 MEDA partner countries and territories (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey) ;
• be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, not acting as an intermediary;

Applicants must act in the framework of a consortium composed by minimum two partner organisations which have their headquarters in different MEDA partner countries and territories (applicant included), and minimum two partner organisations which have their headquarters in different Member States of the European Union.

¿Qué gastos o inversiones que realices te pueden subvencionar?

Based on a need assessment of authorities as well as professionals of Mediterranean countries, four priorities have been identified as essential to be supported within the programme:
Priority 1: Support to development, promotion, distribution and exhibition of Mediteranean audiovisual projects
Priority 2: Support to preservation and storing of archives
Priority 3: Support to legislation and fight against piracy
Priority 4: Support to vocational training

To be eligible under the call for proposals, costs must:
– be necessary for carrying out the action, be provided for in the contract annexed to these Guidelines and comply with the principles of sound financial management, in particular value for money and cost-effectiveness;
– have actually been incurred by the beneficiaries or their partners during the implementing period for the action as defined in Article 2 of the Specific Conditions, whatever the time of actual disbursement by the Beneficiary or a partner; this does not affect the eligibility of final audit costs;
– be recorded in the Beneficiary's or the Beneficiary's partners' accounts or tax documents, be identifiable and verifiable, and be backed by originals of supporting documents.

Subject to those conditions and where relevant to the contract-award procedures being respected, eligible direct costs include:
– the cost of staff assigned to the action, corresponding to actual salaries plus social security charges and other remuneration-related costs; salaries and costs must not exceed those normally borne by the Beneficiary or his partners, as the case may be;
– travel and subsistence costs for staff taking part in the action, provided they do not exceed those normally borne by the Beneficiary or his partners, as the case may be; any flat-rate reimbursement must not exceed the scales approved annually by the European Commission;
– the cost of purchasing new equipment and services, provided they correspond to market rates;
– the cost of consumables and supplies;
– subcontracting expenditure;
– costs arising directly from the requirements of the contract (dissemination of information, evaluation specific to the action, audit, translation, printing, insurance, etc.) including financial service costs (in particular the cost of transfers and financial guarantees).

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